This event occurred while I was visiting my local grocery store to accomplish a very specific goal - to cook a stir fry dish for a very special occassion.
I purchased the usual suspects:
- Sesame seeds
- Rice vinegar
- Soba noodles
- Soy sauce
- Beef strips.
Below is an outline of a brainstorming exercise I conducted shortly after this trip to the grocery store.
Yes...I am that dorky.
Develop audience levels
VIP Card – based on card number
Individual ID – based on usage of card(s),
strong correlation between card transaction eventdatetime and/or customer data-
match (firstname, lastname, emailaddress)
Household ID – based on usage of cards, strong
correlation between card transaction eventdatetime and/or customer data- non
match (firstname, lastname, emailaddress)
Analyze data based on audience
levels and execute campaigns accordingly:
Develop correlation measure between VIP Cards –
measure percentage rate of VIP cards used in consecutive transactions. The
measure will be indicative of a relationship between the two cards may it be
the same individual or same household
Trigger campaigns –
Customer purchases cold medicine – trigger
campaigns related to remedies for a cold, promote complimentary products (i.e.
chicken noodle soup)
Customer purchases product with specific
expiration dates (i.e. milk) – trigger reminder
campaigns at point of expiration to purchase upcoming expiry product
Customer purchases items that strongly suggest
cuisine – trigger personalized recipe campaigns (i.e. customer purchases soba
noodles, sesame seeds and beef, there is a strong likelihood of customer
preparing ‘Stir Fry’, send Asian cuisine recipes, suggestions for other sesame
seed usage, etc.)
Male VIP card holder purchases famine product –
trigger quarterly ‘Date Night’
campaigns, indicative of female companion
Develop traditional seasonality campaigns
Valentine’s Day
Super Bowl
July 4th
Summer Weather– Icecream, BBQ
Winter Weather – Roast, Soups
Develop traditional weekly sales campaign –
highlight weekly sales items based on customer’s transaction history
Develop ‘Complimentary Product’ campaign series
Shampoo to Conditioner (bi-lateral relationship)
Cold Medicine to Chicken Noodle Soup
(uni-lateral relationship)
Develop ‘Recommendation’ campaign series
(specifically for beauty products) – i.e. ‘customers who bought X also bought Y’,
think Amazon
Purchase of baby product (i.e. newborn baby
diapers) – deduce recent addition to family, trigger baby product campaign
series (baby product sale items, ‘ways to stretch a budget-for families’,
upsell baby items in trend-site references from reputable publications or
public figures
Your are welcome.
- Candice M. Narvaez